Lion Heart Retreat from Jogei Temple in NYC

Event : Lion Heart Retreat (용맹정진)

Host : Jogei Temple, a Korean Buddhist temple in NYC (42 West 96th st, New York, NY 10025)

Duration : October 26th (Thursday) 9pm to October 29th (Sunday) 6am.

Purpose : This special retreat is designed to cater to individuals seeking deeper concentration and better progress in their practice. This 3 day retreat without sleeping, while observing absolute silence offers a unique opportunity to tremendously concentrate on your practice.

Jogei Temple in the heart of New York City is a Korean Buddhist temple that has been serving people who is seeking lessons in Buddhism, medication, and Korean culture for decades. This year, it announces this special retreat called “Lion Heart”, in Korean 용맹정진, which is to delve into intensive meditation and self reflection, offering a chance to experience a higher level of consciousness and inner peace.

Participants have the opportunity to engage in four one-to-one interviews with a monk. During these interviews, they can discuss their concerns, track their progress, and seek wise advice to address any difficulties they may be encountering in their practice.

Participants are expected to maintain absolute silence throughout the entire duration of the retreat. This discipline is intended to help them focus deeply on their spiritual and meditative practice. The temple provides a total of seven meals over the three-day period. These vegetarian meals are designed to support participants’ physical well-being and provide the nourishment needed for sustained concentration and meditation.

This retreat is a significant and intensive experience, meant for those who are dedicated to deepening their understanding of Buddhism and meditation. By observing strict silence and practicing continuous meditation, participants aim to develop greater inner strength and insight.

The “Lion Heart Retreat” is a rare opportunity for individuals to immerse themselves in a spiritual journey, seek guidance from experienced monk, and explore Korean Buddhism culture, all within the bustling heart of New York City.

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